It is a new member of the LED transparent screen family, drawing much curiosity and questions due to its unique features. This article will introduce the […]
LED transparent screens are the most commonly used type of LED display, with widespread applications. To meet various installation requirements, they have many subdivisions. Currently, common […]
As is well known, with the increasing popularity of LED transparent screens, their applications have become more widespread, ranging from glass curtain walls to stage performances, […]
When it comes to LED screens, I believe everyone is familiar with them. Muxwave holographic invisible screen is one of the derivative products of LED screens. […]
In recent years, with the rapid development of national leisure activities, the LED display rental market has flourished. Various events such as conferences, performances, TV shows, […]
LED transparent screens have become widely applied in various areas such as glass curtain walls and commercial shop windows due to their lightweight nature and the […]
It is well known that LED transparent screens integrate high-quality and true invisibility. Breaking the awkward situation where traditional LED displays cannot be applied to glass, […]
In recent years, with the continuous development and design of commercial buildings, the importance of cultural, comfortable, interactive, and diversified formats has been increasing. Typically, every […]
LED transparent screens are continuously improving and optimizing with the development of display technology, enhancing both in craftsmanship and appearance, as well as in application scenarios. […]
Film screens are not unfamiliar to us; our smartphones often require screen protectors. These protectors serve to safeguard without compromising the user experience. Similarly, LED film […]
On the basis of conventional LED transparent screens, the light board is hollowed out to achieve a certain level of transparency. This is known as an […]
I. What is an LED Film Screen? The LED film screen is an improved and innovative product based on the conventional LED transparent screen. It involves […]